Wednesday, October 30, 2013

IgA Nephropathy Diet

Kidneys are essential to regulate the flow of fluids in the body. The organ is instrumental in removing toxins from the blood as well as the secretion of excess fluids and salt in the form of urine. When the kidney fails to perform its functions a person is said to suffer from renal failure caused by kidney disease.

Chronic kidney disease has become increasing common. Watching what you eat and drink becomes vital in such situations. Chronic kidney disease patients are often placed of special diets that keep their kidneys healthier for a longer period of time. A kidney disease diet contains less phosphorus, potassium and sodium.

The Kidney Diet

While suffering from kidney failure, it is important to consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet. After getting a go-ahead signal from your physician, you need to maintain a diet that includes less consumption of sodium, phosphorus and potassium.

The diet also includes a reduction in the intake of fluids. This means drinking only when absolutely thirsty instead of just out of habit. The diet includes eating less salt because salt makes you feel thirsty.

Avoid Phosphorus-Rich Food

Phosphorus is an important mineral that helps to keep the bones in the body healthy and strong. During kidney failure, the body loses its capability to strike a balance between calcium and phosphorus in the body. The body fails to get rid of excess phosphorus and as a result is not able to take in calcium. Owing to this, the body begins “stealing” calcium from the bones, making them weak. Therefore, it is essential to refrain from eating food that is rich in phosphorus like coffee, cheese, peanut butter and beer. Instead opt for food like broccoli, zucchini squash and non-dairy products.

Stay Away From Excessive Sodium

Sodium in appropriate doses is important for the smooth functioning of the body. The mineral controls blood pressure and muscle contractions along with balancing fluids present in the body. A healthy kidney is capable of removing excessive amounts of sodium in the body. However, with the weak kidney, sodium content in the body starts building up and causes swelling. Therefore, it is important to stay away from sodium rich food like table salt, potato chops, bacon, cheese and canned and processed food. Doctors often recommend eating dishes seasoned with garlic and oregano and also lemons.

Opt For A Kidney Diet Which Has Less Potassium

Potassium is another important mineral in the body responsible for ensuring the all nerves and muscles in the body, especially the heart functions properly. The kidney is responsible for maintaining a safe level of potassium in the body. However, potassium levels begin to rise in case of a kidney failure. Therefore, it is important to stay away from food rich in potassium like potatoes, apricots, nuts, raisins and mustard. Food with low potassium includes certain fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cranberry, carrots and cherries.

It is important to maintain a strict kidney diet when diagnosed with renal failure. This ensures your kidney remains healthier for longer.

Searching for other ways to lower Creatinine levels, improve kidney function, and safeguard your kidneys from further damage? Kidney disease can come as a complete surprise. You are just living your life and one day seemingly all at once you learn you have a major problem with your kidneys that must be dealt with. While kidney disease is a great burden know that there are solutions and you can heal your kidneys and even restore them to their original health. Hopefully this information will help you come to a better understanding of the other options you have outside of dialysis and transplant.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Amazing Kidney Disease Facts

The kidneys are essential organs, performing a number of very important functions in our body. They are what can be termed as complicated machines that help keep our blood chemically balanced and clean at the same time.

Kidney disease is a condition characterized by a steady loss of kidney functionality over time. Here are some amazing kidney disease facts you need to know:

• The frequency of kidney failure (chronic kidney disease) has doubled in the last two decades.
• It is projected that presently, there are over one million people worldwide who are living on dialysis or with a functioning graft.
• Hypertension is also associated with kidney disease. Global increase for hypertension has also doubled in the last decade. Asians are more likely to have this condition in comparison to the white and black population.
• Of the recorded kidney diseases, 66% occur as a result of diabetes or hypertension.
• There are approximately 8 million people suffering from kidney disease in India alone.
• It is estimated that there are close to 11-30 million people suffering from chronic or other kidney disease associated conditions in the USA.
• In the United States, the cost of treating patients with renal replacements therapy will be $ 38 million dollars by the 2014. It is predicted that more than 500,000 patients will be in need of treatment.
• In India only 10% of patients who suffer from kidney disease are able to afford treatment.
• A change in lifestyle behavior like quitting smoking and regular exercise routines can help reduces the severity of infection.
• Kidney disease is reversible if detected early enough.
• 10% of people attending general practice have kidney disease and don’t know.
• 45% of people over 75 years have indications of possible kidney failure.
• People with kidney disease have a 2 to 3 fold greater risk of cardiac death than people without kidney disease.
• For people with chronic kidney disease, the risk of dying from cardiovascular reasons is 20 times greater than the risk of requiring dialysis or a kidney transplantation.
• In Australia, close to 900 kidney transplants were performed in 2011.
• Glomerural Filtration Rate (GFR) is the best test to assess kidney functionality.
• Persistent proteinuria (protein in the urine) is a huge indicator of chronic kidney disease.
• Three simple tests can help detect kidney disease. These are; blood pressure, urine albumin and serum creatinine.
• Dialysis is not a cure for kidney disease. It is just a life saving process and can be strenuous, expensive and comes with strict dietary and lifestyle restrictions.
• Unless patients of kidney failure are treated urgently, they can die in a matter of days due the accumulation of toxins and fluids in the body.
• About one third of transplanted kidneys come from living relatives and about two thirds come from someone who passed on recently.

These amazing facts pertaining to kidney disease will go a long way in shedding light and demystifying kidney disease altogether.

Are you wishing you could reverse your kidney disease? Wishing you could improve your kidney function? Well I'm here to tell you that you can both improve the function of your kidneys and yes, even reverse the effects of your kidney disease. There are many little known natural health solutions to the problem of kidney disease. With the right foods, vitamins, and herbs you can strengthen your kidneys much more than you think. You will also generally feel much better than you could have hoped for. If you're looking for a real solution to kidney problems check out this specially designed program for people with kidney disease.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Beginners Guide to the Main Causes of Kidney Disease

The kidneys are located on either side of the spine. They are two small organs performing fundamental life-sustaining functions. In general, they cleanse the blood by removing toxic materials, so only “clean” blood circulates throughout the body.

Apart from that main function, they also help to regulate blood pressure and maintain the balance of minerals and salt. When kidneys are damaged, there may be build up of waste products and “dirty” fluids in the body. If left untreated, kidney disease may lead to life-threatening conditions. Kidney disease is most often caused by the medical conditions high blood pressure and diabetes.

Major Causes of Kidney Disease

Two major causes of kidney disease are high blood pressure and diabetes. In other words, maintaining healthy blood pressure and glucose in the blood can help to prevent kidney disease.

Following a good diet program and having regular exercises are probably the easiest ways to maintain good health, thus preventing dangerous diseases mentioned.

Blood pressure is measured by the amount of pressure that the heart generates in the arteries. When such pressure becomes too high (e.g. O40/90+), high blood pressure puts strain on small blood vessels in the kidneys; the most common problem related to such issue is improper blood filtering process. When blood pressure is controlled by diet, exercise, and other necessary treatments, kidney disease can be prevented.

Kidney disease is also often associated with diabetes. The main cause of diabetes is insufficient amounts of insulin (type 1 diabetes), and ineffective use of insulin by the body (type 2 diabetes). The main function of insulin is to regulate level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. It prevents the blood sugar level from going to high or too low - depending on the circumstances.

Too much glucose in the blood damages the kidney’s filters, so the filtering system cannot work to its full potential.

Other Causes of Kidney Disease

In general, kidney disease is often triggered by any condition that put strain on kidneys. Besides high blood pressure and diabetes, there are many other possible causes such as infections, over-consumption of pain killers or drugs, kidney stones, and inherited diseases.

Possible Treatments

To specifically treat kidney disease or renal failure, there are some important things to put into practice. Regular exercise is an excellent way to improve overall health condition; it also improves cardiovascular health to help to regulate blood pressure. Diet is also an important consideration; for someone with kidney problem, there are many restrictions concerning vitamins and nutrients intake. It is recommended that you consult doctors for naturopath about this specific issue.

Kidneys have a difficult time removing excess salt, potassium and water, so it is best to monitor the consumption of each of these (comparing them to blood tests).

Some herbs and homeopathic medicines can also minimize kidney problems. One of the most recommended is grape seed extract which may reduce inflammation of urinary tract. In most cases, mild to moderate kidney disease is reversible with such natural medicines.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken based on individual approach and severity of kidney disease, meaning there will be different homeopathic medicine for each person. Therefore, such medicine is only good if taken under proper guidance from qualified homoeopath/professional.

Are you suffering from kidney disease or impaired kidney function? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you looking for information or ways that you could get help with your condition? If you are desperate to learn how to reverse your impaired kidney function permanently ... and regain your health and well-being, without drugs, without typical kidney disease treatments, and without any side effects. Know that you can feel like your old self again and regain the health and vitality you once had. You'll want to check out this easy to follow step-by-step kidney healing program.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Great All Natural Ways To Reverse Kidney Disease

Nobody wants to be told that they have health problems, and those suffering from kidney disease or any kidney related health complaint are no different. Fortunately, there are natural ways to rid yourself of kidney disease which have no negative side effects much like some forms of Western medicine. It is therefore fundamental in ensuring that those suffering with kidney disease know and understand just what to do in order to treat themselves, and we must send the message across that kidney disease is indeed reversible by using natural medicines.

Dietary Changes

The main priority of making changes to your diet is so that you will consume the foods that do not counteract or put stress on the kidneys. Limiting the amount of salt and protein within your diet will lessen the strain on the kidneys. Phosphorus and potassium are also commonly avoided. However it should also be noted that reading labels and understanding what minerals are in foods is crucial to successful dietary changes.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been used for many bodily functions and is great for healing any kidney related problems. The reasons for this are the following:

- since apple cider vinegar is anti-bacterial, they prevent any bacterial infections throughout the body, including the kidneys
- kidney stones slowly disintegrate and dissolve as a result of consuming apple cider vinegar
- it has diuretic properties which means that it helps flush the kidneys out, allowing the kidneys to work at an optimum rate


Vitamins will assist in helping your kidneys function efficiently and also play a role in regenerating the kidneys, which is especially important not just for overall health but to heal yourself in any kidney related problem. The vitamins that you should consume are:

- Vitamin D: Current Diabetes Reviews' published that most kidney disease patients had in fact insufficient amounts of Vitamin D. They also showed that Vitamin D reduces the symptoms of kidney disease and actually helps prevent kidney cell death.

- Vitamin B6: This vitamin has been known to help prevent kidney stones and plays a key role in maintaining proper kidney function.

- Vitamin C: Vitamin C lessens oxidative stress, which contributes to the damage of cellular structure and makes the body more prone to diseases. By lessening this, you therefore lessen the degree of damage to your kidneys.

Lifestyle Changes

Studies have shown that exercise can indeed help those with kidney disease, giving patients more energy. Furthermore, patients who exercised increased their heart function, and since kidney patients have a higher rate of heart related deaths these findings are positive. Moderate intensity exercise will be beneficial.

Although kidney related diseases can be devastating, it is important to understand that changes to your own lifestyle can help you overcome kidney related health issues.

You’re about to find out that it’s possible to reverse impaired kidney function and avoid dialysis and kidney transplant surgery. By following the same step-by-step holistic healing protocols that thousands of people around the world have already followed with successful results, you can improve your kidney function and your quality of life, too. Remember, the hard work is done figuring out the solution. This program is designed to get to the root cause of all kidney disease.